Tractebel is home to five of the world’s leading water engineering companies: Coyne et Bellier (France), Lahmeyer International (Germany), Leme Engenharia (Brazil) and IMDC (Belgium). This combined centenary expertise makes Tractebel your truly reliable partner for realising any of your water projects, wherever they are located. These include all types of dam and hydropower projects, water resource management projects, waterways, water supply and use of water resources, coastal and marine engineering.
Our consultancy and engineering services encompass the entire life cycle of a project from conceptual design or early planning studies through construction and commissioning of schemes up to operation support and rehabilitation. It includes not only state-of-the-art engineering services but also advisory services to accompany the development of your project.
In the face of rising energy needs and the challenge of climate change, hydropower has a key role to play. Aware of this reality, Tractebel has developed a unique cutting-edge solution for you: Sherlock.
Sherlock is a spatial analysis solution that leverages and cross-references data to exhaustively identify potential hydropower project sites at the scale of a region or a country. It enables to quickly identify untapped hydropower resources and measure their profitability in just a few clicks. It is a fast, reliable and cost-effective solution.
Sherlock replaces long and costly inventory processes by relying on a smart data gathering, analysis and processing system.
Click here to know more about Sherlock or find out more in our brochure
With more than 100 years of experience, Tractebel provides high level engineering solutions to public and private organizations for the implementation and operation of all sizes of infrastructures in the field of hydropower, water resource management, water supply, use of water resources, marine facilities and large hydraulic infrastructures.
Michael Lebsanft
Geschäftsführer / Managing Director Tractebel GmbH Tractebel GmbH and Tractebel Hydroprojekt GmbH